(You see where I'm going?) Now if it wasn't in that half, put what you pulled out into a separate folder and begin the process with the other half until it's found. If it's fixed it's in that cc and start to put 10 things at a time back in (make note of these) because one of these batch will have the bad cc and will make shoes icky again, once that happens take out 5 of the ten, if it's fixed you put back 3 if it icky take out 2. Okay to narrow down and find this pesky bad cc you need to go into your packages folder and pull out half at a time (this seems drastic but trust me it works) take half your cc out minus stuff like nraas. Then it might be the newer cc, also I would like to point out you said you installed a lot of cc at once, not being mean but try and download only a handful of things at once and then start up your game to see how it runs this helps cc bugs to be caught without having to do what I'm about to tell you to do. The best way to narrow this down is, was there a game update right before this started happening? If so it might be the cc you installed before the older cc might be out of date and not compatable with the game version.

As the person said above, you need to uninstall some cc.