
Making an utau voicebank
Making an utau voicebank

making an utau voicebank making an utau voicebank

Most of all, do not scream into the microphone. Make sure not to speak or sing too loud when recording this voice type. Firm Voice-The so-called "ideal" voice for a male UTAU.For those who want manlier results, g+ flags are usually the way to go. To attain that masculine range, simply lower the octave on the UTAU program (Move Region Number by 12). The process to recording a male UTAU of this age range is very similar to recording a guy voicebank. Man-Once again, really depends on the creator.Whether you want to use flags is up to you. If going for a low guy voice, simply lower the octave on the UTAU program (Move Region Number by 12).

making an utau voicebank

Though it mainly applies to older teenage (postpubescent) voices, whether you record with a high or low voice can result with a male UTAU in this age range.

making an utau voicebank

Boy-Keep the voice young! Since a boy's voice is generally in the higher range, recording an UTAU around this age range is very similar to recording a female UTAU.Being the hardest of creating any voicebank, here's some advice on maintaining age consistency while recording: Once you've selected the age and type of voice for your UTAU, it's now time to finally put it to the test. Why is age/physical appearance most important, you ask? Well, some UTAU have ages that defy their physical appearance and sometimes this trait contributes to their voice types. Are you going for a firm voice for your UTAU? Raspy? Gentle? Childlike? Finding the right voice type for your UTAU is usually based on his personality, design, and most important of all, age/physical appearance. That's obviously not the case! Much like with determining an UTAU's age, there are actually all sorts of voice types that work for a male UTAU. Now when people hear "male" voice, they usually think "deep and manly" or "use g+20 or higher flags". It's really important to decide on an age range for the voicebank you're working on before you start recording otherwise, if not taken into consideration, an adult male UTAU might end up having a voice too shrill or if a boy UTAU with a voice too macho. There are three known age ranges for the male voice I personally like to use: boy, guy, and man simply stating, is the male UTAU you're working on a child, an older teenager, or an adult? Probably one of the most important things to focus on when recording a male voicebank is to determine the age of the voice, since it serves as the main base for the UTAU's voice, whether the UTAU has a design or not. Here are some essential elements that one should consider when working on one: This thread contains numerous tips and tricks on how to make a male voicebank. Some UTAU users might want to make a male UTAU voicebank, but are not sure how to do so.

Making an utau voicebank